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In 23 years, we have had the opportunity to serve ejidos, agrarian communities , private sector companies and the government , in matters related to:

  • Defense of land tenure;

  • Acquisition of land, property and rights;

  • Release of Right of Way in infrastructure projects and gas pipelines;

  • Rustic Rural and Social Property Urbanization;

  • Community Relations and rights of native peoples;

  • Civil Litigation, Agrarian, Amparo and justifiability of Human Rights and DESCAS's

We actively participate in the institutions of the Agrarian Sector through the AC Agrarian Observatory, of which our Director, Lic. Nayar Paredes, is President and founder.

We are at the forefront of issues related to:

  • The energy sector.

  • Agrarian Development.

  • Community Relations

  • Topography.

  • Territorial organization.

  • Mining and extractive industry.

  • Urbanization of agricultural and rural lands.

  • Human rights.

ALIAR Abogados Video de servicios

ALIAR Abogados Video de servicios

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Alianzas y Fortalezas

Our alliances and strengths

Bar Association Specialized in Agrarian Law.

We have the Association of our specialty and we are part of the most important National Network of Agrarian Lawyers in the country.

National College of Surveyors AC

We participate in the training of collegiate surveyors, working on projects and judicial proceedings throughout the country .

Association of Agrarian Academies AC

We are co-founders of the First Association of Academics on Agrarian Law in Mexico. Counting on the best experts and researchers in the field.

Agricultural Observatory AC

We are confidantes of the first Citizen Observatory that is in charge of Agrarian issues in this Country . Organization made up of ejidos, communities, professionals and actors of the Mexican agricultural sector.

Nuestro Director
Lic. y MD Nayar Emilio Paredes Nieto

Abogado, Maestro en Derecho civil y Especializado en Derecho Agrario, con 23 años de Experiencia

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Our Director

MD. Nayar Emilio Paredes Nieto.

Lawyer with 23 years of professional practice, with a Master's Degree in Civil Law, Specialized in Agrarian and Real Estate Law, Diploma in Strategic Litigation from DESCA'S by the Institute of Legal Research of the UNAM, Certificate in Oral and Commercial Process.

Member of the Association of Lawyers Specialized in Agrarian Law AC, Co-founder of the Association of Agrarian Academies AC, Member of the National Council of the Lawyers and President of the Agricultural Observatory AC

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