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Social Property in Mexico

Ejidos, Agrarian Communities, Agricultural Colonies .

Carta de Nucleos Agrarios

Pasa el puntero sobre la imagen

31,913 Núcleos Agrarios

5 millones de sujetos Agrarios

75% Ejidatarios/ Comuneros

25% Posesionarios

20% de la Población Mexicana

Vive en el Sector Rural

51% del total del territorio Nacional

se encuentra en Propiedad Social 

80% de la biodiversidad 

Esta en  Propiedad Social

62% de las Tierras urbanizables

Pertenecen a Ejidos y Comunidades Agrarias

1½ cups


With information from: RAN, PA, INEGI Censo Ejidal 2007 and CEDRSSA 2015

ALIAR 1 Blanco Sombra.png

In the land of Mexico is the opportunity to do justice and bring prosperity !

Social property in Mexico (ejidos and agrarian communities) is very relevant. In it, the food of the Mexicans is produced but, in addition, it is the territory for:

  • The development of our native peoples.

  • Urban development.

  • The Construction of Infrastructure.

  • The production of electricity (wind, photovoltaic and geothermal.).

  • Environmental Conservation.

  • The tourism.

More than half of the national territory belongs to just over 32,000 agrarian nuclei. As a whole, 5.5 million people make up the registers of the ejidos and agrarian communities that make up the so-called Mexican Social Property .

Its social, environmental and economic relevance is very important:

  • More than 60% of the national forests, jungles and ecosystems are in Social Property.

  • Little more than 67% of the lands that cities will require for their growth in the next 20 years belong to ejidos and agrarian communities.

  • In energy matters, more than 60% of the total land available for photovoltaic projects, wind farms, geothermal, is in social property.

  • In terms of road infrastructure, hydrocarbon lines, electricity and telecommunications , more than 65% of the land necessary for the establishment and accommodation of facilities is on social property.

  • For mining and extractive activities, more than 68% of the deposits likely to be exploited in Mexico are on social property.

In social property, national social development, investment and business conduct converge ; cohabiting legally, safely, sustainably and reliably .

This legal firm will provide you with the technical, legal, administrative and legal defense services that your projects and investments require so that they materialize safely; preserving community relations, observing the protection of Human Rights and, in due compliance with the legal, agrarian, urban and environmental framework .

Datos de la Propiedad Social

Social Property Data

Datos de la Propiedad en México

The national territory is made up of just over 198.5 million hectares, of which 84.5 million hectares are ejidal and 17.4 are communal. In total, almost 102 million hectares (52% of the National territory) belong to 32,000 agrarian nuclei.

Social property is made up of almost 5 million owners, who have an average of 20.2 Hectares of social land each, of which 6.4 hectares are parceled lands.

Almost entirely, the agrarian nuclei are dedicated to agricultural and livestock activities. S imultáneamente, ejidos and agrarian communities also have forestry, mining, handicrafts, construction materials extraction and fishing.

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